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"Історик – слуга народу": саморефлексія та репрезентація Михайла Грушевського Масненко В. В.

адреса матеріалу:

Масненко В. В.

"Історик – слуга народу": саморефлексія та репрезентація Михайла Грушевського / В. В. Масненко // Symposium historiographicum Czercasiensium = Черкаський історіографічний симпозіум: Т. І (Присвячений 150-річчю від дня народження Михайла Грушевського) / За ред. В. Масненка. – Черкаси: Черкаський національний університет ім. Б. Хмельницького. – 2016. – C. 56–71.

The article considers the self-presentation and representation of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in the coordinates of a certain ideal type of “historian - servant of the people”. The idea of national service was the primary vital guideline for Hrushevsky. The formation of his personality and his identity were based on this ideological model. Our hero, at least until the revolutionary events, was observed to have Christian connotations in the interpretation of his own public responsibility. Moreover, the choice of the future historian for the secular public service was based on purely religious ethos and was reflected as a kind of fulfilment of spiritual promise. Gradually, secular elements were imposed on the religious “language”; at a certain point, they subordinated the primary basis. The motivational discourse of mature Hrushevsky has a clear national character, completed with social connotations that appeal to ideal models of social justice. Finally, we should recognize that his self-presentation as internal (self-reflection) and public representation, have a holistic shape. These guidelines gave an opportunity to realize complex life scenario of the great historian and prominent social and political figure.

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  • Джерело публікації: Symposium historiographicum Czercasiensium = Черкаський історіографічний симпозіум : Т. І (Присвячений 150-річчю від дня народження Михайла Грушевського) (2016)

    Масненко, В. В.


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